Within the scope of the project is the generation of 4 mosaics of very high resolution images from data from the Sentinel-2 mission of the "Copernicus" programme acquired in the periods: Winter 2021, Spring 2022, Summer 2022 and Autumn 2022 (September 2022 to November 2022); including training actions for IECA staff to acquire knowledge related to: basic principles of remote sensing and satellites, interpretation of satellite bands, analysis software, composition of analytical images, radiometric correction and export to TIFF and equivalent formats.
A methodological guide to access and use the main services of the Copernicus programme will also be developed. The guide will mainly focus on the Pan-European component, which provides continent-wide products of medium resolution on land cover in Europe and its temporal evolution, and on the local component, which provides local products defined by areas of interest prone to specific environmental challenges and problems on land cover and its temporal evolution.
This activity will allow IECA to make better use of the existing information in Copernicus, which will lead to an improvement in its cartographic processes and products.
The Telespazio Group has been working since 2014 in the Copernicus programme, standing out in the activities related to Cartography, for example, in "Emergency Management Service - Mapping", and Remote Sensing.
"For Telespazio Ibérica, this project strengthens our position as an expert provider of mapping and remote sensing services in the IECA: Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia; one of the cartographic centers of reference in Spain, pioneer in the treatment of cartographic information following innovative techniques of process automation and statistical use of the data". Carlos Hernández Medel, Head of Sales