ISO 9001 Standard establishes the requirements of Quality System Management for an organization to certify its ability to provide products and services that satisfy the requirements of the customer, as well as prescribe the appropriate products and guarantee customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system and its continuous improvement. Telespazio Ibérica’ essential commitment is to offer customer service excellence. To this end the company has developed a continuous system of analysis and improvement appraisal which contemplates the following aspects:
- Preparation of supplies and contracts with customers according to their requirements.
- Selection and training of qualified and specialized staff.
- Management of projects and services. Selection of the working team, analysis of the requirements and planning established in the supply, execution of the project and internal checking of each phase, pursuit and continuous attention given to the customer, confirming with the customer all deliveries.
- Management of purchasing and sub-contracting.
- Selection and evaluation of suppliers.
- Management of infrastructure resources.
- Undertaking process-checking audits.
- Pursuit and measurement of customer satisfaction.
- Pursuit and analysis of internal indicators of quality, among them, productivity and the quality in the deliveries (on time and without errors).
- Improvement planning implementation indicators data and degree of customer satisfaction.
- Dealing with customer complaints and claims. Correcting situations when required.
- Management of internal and external communications.
ISO 14001 Standard establishes the system requirements of Environmental Management to develop a policy and environmental objectives, fulfilling the established legal requirements and helping prevent pollution through the effective application of the system and its continuous improvement. Telespazio Ibérica aims to achieve and develop solid environmental performance by controlling the impact of our activities, products and services on the environment. In the present socioeconomic context, legislation has become even stricter in the area of environmental protection and there has been a general increase in concern and interest in environmental subjects. As a reflection of this commitment to the environment, the following areas have been contemplated:
- Establish those environmental areas which can be controlled or that can have some influence and significant impact on the environment.
- Constant updating of legislation and identification of applicable requirements.
- Management of residuary product resulting from the company’s activities: collection, minimization and re-evaluation or recycling when possible.
- Moderate consumption of energy resources and raw materials.
- Pursuit and control of suppliers of environmental subjects.
- Analysis of the environmental impact and the cost/benefit of the measures being considered.
- Environmental audits.
- Drawing up a manual of good environmental practices and bringing it to employees’ attention.