


Copernicus is the European Union's Earth Observation Programme, co-directed and managed by the European Commission, which aims to offer all European citizens the benefits of constant monitoring and generation of derived products in the 6 domains into which the Copernicus Services component is divided.


The applications based on GIS give a space dimension to the raw data. The visualisation of that information on cartography allows executives to manage their operations and distributed assets differently. We therefore have a competitive advantage.


Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing or treatment and interpretation of satellite images constitutes a basic tool for undertaking territorial studies and the components that articulate it.

Satellite Imaging

Telespazio Ibérica provides satellite imagery from a wide range of operators of EO orbital platforms, taking advantage of partnerships managed by e-GEOS, a Telespazio Group company.

Satellite Imaging



Geoinformation platforms, including SeonSE, Aware, AgriGeo, Braint and Cleos, provided by eGeos.

Cartography 3D

In urban contexts, Telespazio Ibérica has experience of working with 500, 1,000 and 2,000 scales. Other fields where we performed successful projects are civil engineering, land use, architecture and infrastructure.

Cartography 3D

Cartography 2D

Cartography 2D

Up to what point do our cartographic bases reflect the real world? Updated information is a key factor for decision-making in an organisation or company. TELESPAZIO IBÉRICA AC (Cartographic Updating Services), available for all the Spanish territory, assist you in this effort and enables you to update all the cartographic information of your municipality.

Data Conversion

Outsourcing of the tasks related to the data supposes a considerable saving in money and resources. Based applications relate alphanumeric data to graphical data establishing a model which ties them together.

Data Conversion