The agreement signed by the principal, Manuel Reigosa, and the CEO of Telespazio Ibérica, Carlos Fernández de la Peña, consists of collaboration with the University in the development of research projects, support for researchers and students, and participation in the implementation of a dual master's degree in Geospatial Information, a pioneer in Spain and which will be a own degree of the University of Vigo.
This degree will focus on geospatial technologies and will allow a good part of the training of its students to be practical and develop in companies in the sector, mainly in Telespazio.
The duality of the Master of Geospatial Information aims to face the growth registered by the geospatial industry in recent years, have specialized professionals with training adapted to current demands and needs, with multidisciplinary training focused mainly on new emerging technologies of the geospatial sector and decision making based on geo-intelligence, which takes as a reference the exploitation and advanced analysis of data obtained by geospatial information collection systems.
According to this, Carlos Fernández de la Peña affirms that the pioneering program of Telespazio and the University of Vigo will be "accompanied by a scholarship program, which will allow the direct transition of students from the university to the company, creating employment in Galicia and offering them the possibility of an international professional career from the beginning. We hope that the graduates of this master's degree will constitute the quarry of the center of excellence that we are opening in Vigo"
The University of Vigo has prestigious academics in this field grouped around the Research Group on Applied Geotechnologies -recognized as a Competitive Reference Group by the Xunta de Galicia uninterruptedly since 2013-, promoter and coordinator of the master’s degree in Geoinformatics and the Doctoral Program in Geotechnologies Applied to Construction, Energy and Industry.
The signing ceremony was also attended by Francisco Conde, first vice president and councilor for Economy, Industry and Innovation and Patricia Argerey, director of the Galician Innovation Agency, since the act is framed in the context of the Civil UAVs Initiative.
Our CEO, Carlos Fernández de la Peña stated that "Telespazio assumes a strong commitment to Galicia, in the long term, with several lines of action: on one hand, technological innovation at the service of the needs of the Galician public administration; on the other, the promotion of the Galician aerospace sector represented by its SMEs and technology centres; and, finally, support for entrepreneurs and educational excellence"
During the event, both parties highlighted the importance of this type of projects arising within the Aerospace Center for its ability to "leave an industrial footprint in Galicia and consolidate processes based on open innovation ecosystems".
For Telespazio Iberica it is a source of inspiration to work with such great professionals from the University of Vigo team who have made it possible to sign this agreement and we hope to live up to it.